Are Canvas Tote Bags Crushing Luxury Brands?

Dolce and Gabbana, Armani, and even Gucci have been seen lately in the fashion world of business declining with the luxury brand sales among the younger, hipper crowd. These luxury brands were once known for being able to sell their clothing, accessories, and products to the young and rich of the suburbs and major cities; yet today it is very rare that you see a preppy girl with a Gucci bag, or a trendy artist sporting Armani purses. What you do discover their whereabouts carrying are tote bags. To be specific: canvas tote bags. Though this might seem Cheap Tote Bags surprising to some, but to the majority of fashion experts it is the next logical fashion point for purses, tote bags, purses, and rucksacks. Wasting money on purses is last year, saving money and being green conscious is what's in now.

Who would've thought that sustainable design, going 'green', and taking care of nature would've been a big hit in not only the fashion world, but the design universe. It seems the hippies first got it right when they wanted to only use products that originated in the earth and nothing manmade. We find that canvas bags lie at the intersection of technology and homemade goodness. Canvas tote bags offer the relief of not looking like high end designer products while retaining the ability for designers to monetize on their creative talents. More and more women, and even men, are increasingly being found in the trendiest of spots sporting their reusable canvas tote bags with stitched designs, or grunge pictures splashed across the face of the bag.

These bags serve as an approach for personal expression while retaining the credibility of knowing that their bag originated in a famous designer. Not only have canvas tote bags gain popularity, but tote bags made specifically out of recycled plastic have swept cities such as New york by storm. There have been tote bags made out of used pop plastic, carton labels, and other miscellaneous disposed of goods; these items are worn proudly by the upper-class and elite as symbols of their environmental conscience. Going 'green' is just about the staple of the upper-class, the fashion world, and canvas tote bags serve as a prime example.
