The world is battling with the pandemic

The whole world is battling with the pandemic and we have seen a rapid growth in the infected person over the past few weeks. The virus which was initially started from Wuhan, one of the biggest states of China has now affected the whole world. Although the mortality rate is low but we can’t deny the fact that this virus is spreading rapidly from one infected person to the healthier ones. According to WHO, one infected person can infect at least 47 other healthier individuals and this is the primary we have seen lots of cases in such a short period of time. There are lots of question rises regarding coronavirus, but among them there is some questions which need to answer as soon possible. The first questions is how to control this virus? And the second is how to prevent yourself from getting infected?
What is meant by COVID-19?
Before moving further, we all should know what covid actually is and how why we call them COVID-19. COVID is a whole new severe respiratory disease caused by a virus named “corona”. COVID-19 basically stands for coronavirus and 19 is refereed as the year when it was started i.e. 2019. Covid-19 was initially breakout in the city of Wuhan, according to many researchers this virus was caused by bat but it’s not confirmed yet.
How to Protect Yourself from this Pandemic?
We all know until now there is no vaccine or medication which can cure this virus. Scientist are working hard to make one, but deep down we all know that it will takes nearly a year. Fortunately, there are some common precautionary measures through which we can easily protect ourselves from this deadly and contagious demon.
·       Washing Hands Frequently:
Washing hands is not new, we all are aware of this as it protect us from several diseases, but many of us don’t pay attention to this. Now during this pandemic, people get to know the importance of  hand washing as this is one of the ways through which we can prevent this virus from spreading. According to the physicians washing hands with soap and water can kill this virus. Always wash your hands especially when you have visited any public or crowded places.
Now many of us are thinking that, if we are at a place where water is not available so how can we wash our hands. You can buy a pocket hand sanitizer which contains at least 70% of alcohol and use it whenever needed.
·       Avoid Close Contact:
As we discussed above that, this virus spreads from person to person but according to scientist tis virus won’t travel more than 3 feet. So if are planning to go any crowded place avoid close contact with people. Maintain a social distance of about 6 feet, because there are lots of people who can asymptomatic carrier of this virus and can infect the other person too. According to WHO, social distancing is important if we want to decrease the spread of novel coronavirus.
·       Mask is a Savior:
Wearing mask is another way through which we can decrease the spread of this virus. If you are planning to go to any crowded places or even outside your home just wear you mask. We all know, this virus spreads through respiratory droplets and mask will protect you from this. Always wear protective face masks in such a way that your nose and mouth is properly covered.
Furthermore, with the increase of infected patients the demand of mask increases as well. There are different types of mask revolving around the market. But not every mask will protect your from corona. Always buy certified N95 or KN95 masks, if you can’t afford buying those mask then just go for simple surgical ones which will cost you few pennies but don’t got for mask which are made of cloth as they only protect you from dust but not from this deadly virus.
