Why Spending on Website Traffic Is Foolish, Unless You First Do These 3 Digital Marketing Strategies

Website traffic is one of the top priorities in digital marketing. Every year entrepreneurs and marketing executives spend a large number of dollars investing in website traffic How to Create Website in 2020. Digital advertising through links and display ads on search engines and social media marketing are among the most used methods for website traffic.

Yet, for the first time, digital ad spending should go down worldwide from the year before. Based on a July, 2020 report by eMarketer, experts predict a decline in ad spending of 4.9% worldwide in 2020, in comparison to 6.3% growth in 2019. The decline is certainly caused by as a result of Coronavirus pandemic.

Nonetheless, while the economy recovers, digital ad spending should go up again. But should spent money for website traffic? The clear answer isn't any, when you yourself have not first committed to conversion.

You see, it generates no sense to fund traffic if you do not have ways to capture the lead and convert them right into a customer. That's because without a conversion strategy in position, you'll put money into attracting visitors to your website, only to see they leave without buying.

You will find 3 strategies you ought to purchase first before you invest one penny in website traffic.

Strategy #1: Capture The Lead on a Landing Page

Significantly less than 1 percent of visitors buy the first time they visit a website. Think about that for a second.

Meaning over 99 percent of visitors to your website will leave your website without buying. Yet each visitor costs you money. Should they leave without buying, you lose money. Plus, your acquisition cost per customer is likely to be very high.

That's why its best that you develop an opt-in campaign centered on capturing the lead. NOT selling your product or service at first. By capturing the lead, you now can develop a relationship with each visitor that opts in. And convert them from result in customer over time.

To be honest, with digital ad spending, you ought to NOT send traffic to your residence page or product pages. Find out more here.

Instead, it's best to send traffic to a dedicated landing page with an offer to compel visitors to opt-in and offer you permission to message them via email and SMS text. These offers could be a free report, checklist or quiz. Something of value to your audience to ascertain your credibility.

Strategy #2: Follow-Up With a Series of eMails and SMS Text Messages

Email is probably the most cost-effective type of media with the highest return on investment, according to the Direct Marketing Association. SMS texts have open and read rates of over 90%. Together, those two ways of messaging can allow you to in your follow-up to convert leads into paying customers.

To be honest, the persuasive quality of your content will have a huge impact on your own results. Plus, the quantity and frequency of your messages. If you only have a couple of follow-up messages, chances have you been won't close many sales. Some contacts may respond quickly, while others may not be in a hurry. The key is not to stop messaging your opt-in contacts, unless they op-out.

One common myth in digital marketing is not to send a lot of messages that may cause a contact to opt-out. But if you send too little messages, you may never make a sale. The key is to send messages with relevant content to your audience for so long as it takes to close the sale.

Strategy #3: Convert Sales With a Video Sales Letter or Automated Webinar

Digital marketing is a form of direct response marketing. The original long copy sales letter is a proven solution to convert leads into customers. In an electronic digital marketing campaign, you add the sales letter on a landing page with buttons that take the visitor to your order page.

An even more effective strategy is to make a video sales letter. This can involve a voiceover artist communicating the message of the letter, with either the words showing on the screen or images that bring the words to life. Video is emotional and can boost your response rates.

You can even promote the sale of your products and services with an automated webinar. This a slide presentation with voiceover that you convert to video. Then customize interactive features in the automated webinar platform. You are able to schedule the webinar to play many times per day to produce it easy for the audience to register and attend. You can produce an option that appears at an ideal amount of time in the webinar for the audience to click and purchase your product or service.

Just how to Start Your Digital Marketing Campaign

The good news is you can complete a viable marketing campaign with opt-in landing page, email and SMS texts and a landing page with sales letter, video sales letter or automated webinar with a small investment. Once you complete these, then you should have everything in position to help convert website traffic into customers. Hiring a consultant to help you can be a great way to start.
