Woodturning Tips - Woodturning Tool Selection For Beginners


Among the first things you should do when you are getting started in woodturning, is to buy your tools. You will find two basic ways to obtain a starter set of tools: 1.) Purchase a simple set of tools from a producer or 2.) Purchase individual tools and build your personal set. For some new woodturners, I recommend that you choose option two, build your personal set. While it could be tempting to just purchase a basic set of tools from your preferred manufacturer best hook knife for spoon carving, it might not be the best option for you in the long run. Tool sets typically need you to settle for a general purpose collection, which often contain tools that you may not need, or want initially.

Woodturning tools are basically divided between spindle tools and faceplate turning tools. Spindle tools are normally used to turn spindle projects like pens and table legs, where in actuality the grain of the wood is parallel to the bed of the lathe. Faceplate tools are normally used to turn bowls, platters and other projects, where in actuality the grain turns perpendicular to the bed of the lathe. Specialty tools will also be available including tools designed for deep hollowing, center saving, threading, texturing and more.

Alloy Choices

Numerous tool alloys can be purchased in modern woodturning tools however, two main alloys are commonly used, M2 High Speed Steel (HSS) and Powder Metal technology steel, such as the ASP 2030 and ASP 2060 alloys. If you're just getting started, choose M2 HSS for many of one's woodturning tools. Oahu is the most inexpensive alloy obtainable in the top speed steel range and it gives excellent edge life for the money. Although more exotic steels can be found that provide increased edge life, they are able to cost many times more than a basic M2 HSS tool of the exact same size. An individual will be more established and your interests tend to be more clearly defined, you can look to the expensive exotic tool steels to meet specific requirements.


M2 HSS is the industry standard alloy in woodturning, with an edge than can last approximately 5 - 6 times as long as traditional high carbon steel. M2 HSS can maintain its edge even though "blued" through the grinding/sharpening process. M2 HSS tools are economical and offer excellent value. M2 HSS is now available from some manufacturers in cryogenically treated versions. These tools are specially treated at temperatures of -300 degrees below zero. This treatment escalates the durability and edge holding convenience of the bottom tool steel approximately 250% or more.

ASP Powder Metal

Powder metal steel is just a special type of tool steel that could hold its edge around 4.5 times more than traditional M2 HSS, with respect to the particular alloy used. ASP powder metal tool steels offer exceptional edge life and tend to be more expensive than M2 HSS. If you're working very abrasive timbers, or prefer longer edge life on your own tools, a few powder metal tools in your workshop is a welcome addition to your chisel inventory.

How Are Turning Tools Measured?

Most spindle tools are measured by the diameter of the round tool shaft. Most bowl gouges are measured by the width of the flute, with the diameter of the shaft being approximately 1/8" larger compared to width of the flute. When selecting turning tools, keep in mind that lots of woodturning tools have multiple applications. This means that one turning tool may in effect, have many different uses.

Determining What Woodturning Tools You Need To Get Started

The first faltering step in selecting which woodturning tools you want to get started, is to choose if you intend to turn spindle projects, faceplate projects, or possibly a little of both. Next, you need to find out what size lathe you is likely to be using, mini, intermediate, or large. Obviously, larger projects on big lathes require larger tools than what you will need with small and medium sized lathes.

Tools To Consider Purchasing

The following basic tool list is ideal for a starter woodturner, organized by the sort of tool. This list assumes you intend to do a variety of spindle and faceplate projects and you're turning on a lathe that swings 12", or less. Lathe swing is defined as twice the distance from the bedway to the middle of the spindle. Looked at another way, the swing is the utmost diameter round blank that a lathe can turn without hitting the bedway. If your lathe is larger or smaller compared to example above, you will have to adjust the sizes of tools listed to meet your specific requirements.

Spindle Gouges

1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" spindle gouges. These is likely to be your mainstay for spindle work and fine detail work. They can also be used externally of bowls for detail work, but never on the inside. Spindle gouges are unsuitable for bowl hollowing work.

Bowl Gouges

1/2" deep fluted bowl gouge for rough-out work and bulk wood removal. A 3/8" deep fluted bowl gouge would also be very ideal for finishing cuts.

Detail Gouges

If your financial allowance allows it, a 3/8" or 7/16" detail gouge will be ideal for reaching long distances off the tool rest. Detail gouges include a shallow flute, which adds rigidity to the shaft and reduces vibrations.

Parting Tools

Two main styles are required a 3/16" diamond parting tool for general work and deep parting cuts and an ultra-thin kerf 1/16" tool for minimal waste when grain matching, focusing on boxes, pens etc.


A thick scraper is a good tool to utilize occasionally during bowl turning. The most effective scrapers are thick and wide with the 3/8" x 1.5" half round nose being a good overall choice. In addition, if your financial allowance allows it, add a 3/8" x 1.5" dual angle scraper. This tool is a superb selection for shear scraping of many faceplate projects.

Skew Chisels

If you're doing lots of spindle work, a Skew Chisel is invaluable to produce glass smooth surfaces next to the tool. A 3/4" or even a 1" skew chisel would have been a good choice. There are several styles including a direct skew, rounded skew, oval skew and full round skew. Nearly all of my students prefer the straight skew, or rounded skew when learning this tool.

Micro Turning Tools

If you anticipate doing a lot of bowl and platter detail work, or smaller spindle type projects such as pens, small inlays, vases etc, a few micro turning tools are nice to have on hand. Among the more useful are 1/4" and 3/16" micro spindle gouges, a 1/4" micro round nose scraper and a 1/4" micro skew chisel. You uses these regularly for various forms of detail work with your projects.
