The Spiritual Part of Praying for Money and Why You Should Pray For It

 You may have grown up like many of us with a very negative association with money. If you grew up in a household where you were told that money was hard to come by, money was dirty, or you had to do things that you didn't like in order to have money, then you may have built a very negative association with money.

The idea of praying for money can be very difficult for some people because of this negative association. Some of you see the pursuit of money in a very vulgar and negative way. So there is a battle between love of money and also hated of money. However, I'm about to show you how praying for money is, and can be a very spiritual experience.

Why Praying for Money and Abundance is Very Important

If you take away some of your negative concepts about money, you may realize another way of looking at money which becomes a very powerful spiritual experience. If you think about what money provides and what it allows you to do in your life and in the world at large that thought can change your connection with money.

When you have an adequate amount of money flowing through your life, you will find that you are better able to do what it is you came into this life to do. When you think about your highest purpose then think of the fact that you don't have the amount of money needed to fulfill that purpose, we put it aside.

However on the flip end of things if we become accustomed to praying for more money which allows us to live out our life purpose and in do what we came into this life to do, the entire experience becomes a more spiritual, and expansive experience .

Why Lacking Money and Abundance is A Dangerous Thing

When money is scarce in our lives and we lack abundance, this can do some very damaging things to our life experience. For one thing it can drive a man insane, desperate, angery and lack of hope and all sorts of lower emotional expressions. What will eventually happen with someone who lacks money in their life is a deep state of pursuit for money through all sorts of unsavory methods.

Lack of money in our lives can also disturb our mental and emotional balance. Lack of money also interferes with our relationships. When money is scarce in our lives we can becomeobsessed over how we can gain enough money to do the things that we want. This is why praying for money is much more than the pursuit of prayer for money physical things. Praying for money allows you to tap into a universal connection, which allows for more abundance and more capabilities to do all that you came into this life to do.

How to Start Praying for Money Every Day

You could start praying for money everyday and incorporating an abundant mindset by connecting with how the money will impact your life and everyone else's life around you. When you think about the blessings that money will allow you to create in the lives of multiple people you will find that you have entered a magical flow with abundance and money will effortlessly flow into your life.

You see when you think of praying for money exclusively for yourself you are not living in the abundant flow of growth.  If you would really love to learn how to pray for money by following a powerful prayer technique then you would enjoy reading my most recent article.
